6 Week Shape Up Challenge Winners December 2024

6 Week Shape Up Challenge Winners December 2024

A huge congratulations to everyone that managed to make it through the 6 Week Shape Up Challenge. Without further a due, below are the challenge winners!


Challenge Details

Start Date | Oct 2024

Length | 6 Weeks

1st Place – Grace B.

Starting Weight | 59.5kgs
Finishing Weight | 60.4kgs


Why did you decide to join the challenge?
I joined the challenge to see just how much my body could transform in 6 weeks. I aimed to focus on my exercise routine and diet to boost my muscle growth and improve my overall body composition.


What made the biggest impact on your results?

The biggest impact on my results was definitely my commitment to consistent exercise and ensuring I hit my protein goals each day. By sticking to a structured workout routine and being mindful of what I was eating, I noticed significant changes in my body composition in particular muscle growth and fat loss.


What advice would you give someone looking to get started on their own challenge?

If someone is looking to get started on their challenge, I would advise them to set clear and realistic goals. It is important to stay committed and consistent, even when your motivation decreases. Also, don’t be afraid to track your progress with taking measurements to help you stay accountable and motivated throughout the entire 6 weeks.

Runner Up 1 – Hasnain I.

Starting Weight | 84.2kgs
Finishing Weight | 79.4kgs


Why did you decide to join the challenge?

I had an ACL recon around 5 months back and had gained a few pounds!

What made the biggest impact on your results?

Making cardio easier by splitting it into smaller chunks throughout the week. Planning meals 2-3 days in advance on MyFitnessPal so I didn’t have to constantly do calorie math.

What advice would you give someone looking to get started on their own challenge?

Start tracking your food & work out your actual calorie expenditure as accurate as possible. Swap out food options to more satiating alternatives (carisma potatoes instead of rice for example).

Runner Up 2 – James A.

Starting Weight | 95kgs
Finishing Weight | 90kgs


Why did you decide to join the challenge?

Shred up for summer.

What made the biggest impact on your results?

Cutting calories, I didn’t realise how much I was consuming unnecasaily.

What advice would you give someone looking to get started on their own challenge?

Just show up. I always find getting a PT session in on Monday means my week starts with good training intentions, and sets me up to hit a minimum of 3 sessions per week.

Runner Up 3 – Andrew H.

Starting Weight | 88kgs
Finishing Weight | 83kgs


Why did you decide to join the challenge?

Sibling rivalry with my brother.

What made the biggest impact on your results?

Working out consistently with a healthier diet. Avoid booze or snacks 🙁

What advice would you give someone looking to get started on their own challenge?

It’s a cumulative effort. If you slip up, don’t stress and get back to it.

Runner Up 4 – Lily B.

Starting Weight | 86.5kgs
Finishing Weight | 85kgs

Why did you decide to join the challenge?

I was already running a pretty good routine and just wanted to take it up a notch with an additional challenge.

What made the biggest impact on your results?

Feeling stronger and lifting heavier made me consistent with training and food. I didn’t weigh myself throughout and hardly looked back on any photos until the end so I wasn’t put off by any fluctuating results. Feeling better, healthier and more energised pushed me there.

What advice would you give someone looking to get started on their own challenge?

Do it, make a commitment to something and push yourself to deliver. Even a 1% improvement from start to finish is a win.

Runner Up 5 – Yalli L.

Starting Weight | 73.4kgs
Finishing Weight | 69.7kgs

Why did you decide to join the challenge?

As a motivator for better results.

What made the biggest impact on your results?

Increasing the amount of days at the gym and fasting.

What advice would you give someone looking to get started on their own challenge?

Intermittent fasting.

Ready to transform?


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6 Week Shape Up Challenge Winners December 2024

6 Week Shape Up Challenge Winners June 2024

A huge congratulations to everyone that managed to make it through the 6 Week Shape Up Challenge. Without further a due, below are the challenge winners!


Challenge Details

Start Date | May 2024

Length | 6 Weeks

1st Place – Aimee D.

Starting Weight | 69.7kgs
Finishing Weight | 65.8kgs


Why did you decide to join the challenge?
The challenge is a great motivation to continue to work towards my weight loss goal. Having a challenge with a fixed timeframe encourages you to ‘go hard’, set a goal that is short-term reachable and work to it.


What made the biggest impact on your results?

The part that actually had the biggest impact for me was comparing the progress photos. I don’t enjoy taking progress photos – they can be quite daunting – however when you work through the challenge and take those check-in photos and actually see how much your body has changed in the short amount of time, it really motivates you to keep going and keep working hard. Being able to see the progress beyond just numbers on the scales made me really proud and I guess the challenge really made me step outside my comfort zone, take the progress photos and now I’m able to look back and see what a great achievement it was.


What advice would you give someone looking to get started on their own challenge?

Don’t get disheartened by days where you don’t see a change on the scales – or in whatever your goal is. Keep working and the results will come. And just do it! The hardest part is just getting started and taking that first step.

Runner Up 1 – Oscar N.

Starting Weight | 85kgs
Finishing Weight | 80kgs


Why did you decide to join the challenge?

To test myself and to see just how much change I could make to my physic in 6 weeks when I really focus on training and diet.

What made the biggest impact on your results?

Making a change to my diet focusing on eating healthier foods and making sure that I was only eating when I was actually hungry and not just eating for the sake of it. Keeping my consistency in the gym and all way trying to do better in my workouts also help as I could see week to week the weight going up pushing me to continue and keep me motivated

What advice would you give someone looking to get started on their own challenge?

That you have to stick at it and form a habit around going to the gym and improving diet choices and that you can’t expect instant results but have to stick to it by finding exercise that you enjoy and learning to love the gym.

Runner Up 2 – Josh D.

Starting Weight | 87.6kgs
Finishing Weight | 82.8kgs


Why did you decide to join the challenge?

To get back to a comfortable weight to play football

What made the biggest impact on your results?

The cutting out / low carb intake

What advice would you give someone looking to get started on their own challenge?

The first 2 weeks are the hardest but the most rewarding.

Runner Up 3 – Amanda M.

Starting Weight | 65.3kgs
Finishing Weight | 62.7kgs


Why did you decide to join the challenge?

As a reset after 6 months off

What made the biggest impact on your results?

Doing three sessions a week with Shainah was great. Pushed me to do more.

What advice would you give someone looking to get started on their own challenge?

Give it a go. Believe in yourself.

Runner Up 4 – Hamish M.

Starting Weight | 91kgs
Finishing Weight | 86kgs

Why did you decide to join the challenge?

Thought it was a good chance to push myself with a new program!

What made the biggest impact on your results?

The constant accountability to myself & Shainah, and the structured training method that we used

What advice would you give someone looking to get started on their own challenge?

Just jump into it. Worst is you look/feel better, plus you might win some cash.

Runner Up 5 – Harpo B.

Starting Weight | 80.5kgs
Finishing Weight | 81kgs

Why did you decide to join the challenge?

It’s good motivation to keep pushing myself

What made the biggest impact on your results?

Coming into the gym more regularly and eating well consistently.

What advice would you give someone looking to get started on their own challenge?

Go for it! It’s a great low-pressure environment and everyone at the gym is here to support you



Our 6 Week Shape Up Challenge is perfect for anyone looking to make a real change because it combines Training, Nutrition and Accountability. 



6 Week Shape Up Challenge Winners December 2024

6 Week Shape Up Challenge Winners March 2024

A huge congratulations to everyone that managed to make it through the 6 Week Shape Up Challenge. Without further a due, below are the challenge winners!


Challenge Details

Start Date | January 2024

Length | 6 Weeks

1st Place – Becky H.

Starting Weight | 86.5kgs
Finishing Weight | 85.5kgs


Why did you decide to join the challenge?

I put on 7kg since over Nov & December having eating and drinking too much over the Summer & festive period. I always wanted to get better at lifting weights but found gyms a bit too intimidating to attend regularly for anything other the cardio. I saw a promo for the 6 week challenge at Duke’s and thought it would be the perfect opportunity to get in shape with the help of a PT providing guidance and support so I could learn to use the equipment properly. I was also impressed that Duke’s has a ‘female only’ section! I didn’t weigh myself through the challenge as I find it disheartening and have a tendency to obsess over the number of the scales and this made a difference too. I didn’t lose as much weight as hoped but I can see & feel the difference in my body and confidence. Thank you to Mike for all your help and support over the last 6 weeks – especially for a novice like me who was learning how to use all the gym equipment from scratch.

What made the biggest impact on your results?

Consistency- I could see myself getting stronger each week by increase the amount of weight I could lift. Support of having a weekly session with Mike and having him at the end of the app for advice. Not weighing myself and obsessing over the number on the scales on a weekly basis!


What advice would you give someone looking to get started on their own challenge?

Go for it & trust the process. It will be worth it at the end and you will learn so much more about your body and what you are capable of!

Runner Up 1 – Matt F.

Starting Weight | 74kgs
Finishing Weight | 69kgs


Why did you decide to join the challenge?
Seeing the “Hi I’m Jonno from Dukes Gym “ ads all the time and to improve mental health and well being.

What made the biggest impact on your results?
Going back to simple good nutrition and some trainer that I was rather concerned with what the hell I signed up to with red nail polish and purple crocs PT trainer but in the end it worked out kind of well, could have been better hey Malin

What advice would you give someone looking to get started on their own challenge?
Nutrition is the biggest factor, the first 2 weeks are challenging and the 3rd week is trying. Push through it and WAIT for the results at 6 weeks not beforehand. Have fun with your food and get creative.

Runner Up 2 – Tony B.

Starting Weight | 79.4kgs
Finishing Weight | 76.1kgs


Why did you decide to join the challenge?
Did really well in the previous challenge and wanted to see if I could still make further changes if I pushed hard again

What made the biggest impact on your results?
Tommy is a great trainer who keeps me motivated and has me in a really good training program.

What advice would you give someone looking to get started on their own challenge?
If I can do it at 68 and get great results with a bit of hard work then anyone can give it a go. You will feel so much better and get great support from the team at the gym.

Runner Up 3 – James A.

Starting Weight | 92.7kgs
Finishing Weight | 94.3kgs


Why did you decide to join the challenge?

Focus my training goals and workout plan to accelerate results in strength numbers and body composition

What made the biggest impact on your results?
A structured training plan that I enjoyed and was able to achieve progressive targets quickly

What advice would you give someone looking to get started on their own challenge?

Get involved! It’s not about over loading on training, can achieve a lot with 3 or 4 solid training sessions weekly

Runner Up 4 – Jack S.

Starting Weight | 91kgs
Finishing Weight | 93kgs

Why did you decide to join the challenge?

Thought it was a good chance to push myself with a new program!

What made the biggest impact on your results?

The constant accountability to myself & Tommy, and the structured training method that we used

What advice would you give someone looking to get started on their own challenge?

Just jump into it. Worst is you look/feel better, plus you might win some cash.

Runner Up 5 – Zoe W.

Starting Weight | 66kgs
Finishing Weight | 62.5kgs

Why did you decide to join the challenge?
As a fun challenge to build consistency

What made the biggest impact on your results?
Being consistent and trying to implement more cardio into my workouts!

What advice would you give someone looking to get started on their own challenge?
Don’t hesitate and just enter!! Even the fact that you’ve signed up helps with motivation. Consistency is key



Our 6 Week Shape Up Challenge is perfect for anyone looking to make a real change because it combines Training, Nutrition and Accountability. 



6 Week Shape Up Challenge Winners December 2024

6 Week Shape Up Challenge Winners | December ’23

A huge congratulations to everyone that managed to make it through the 6 Week Shape Up Challenge. Without further a due, below are the challenge winners!


Challenge Details

Start Date | November 2023

Length | 6 Weeks

1st Place – Eric H.

Starting Weight | 65.4kgs
Finishing Weight | 68.1kgs


Why did you decide to join the challenge?

I wanted to see if I committed to something, would I start seeing results that I haven’t been able to see by myself

What made the biggest impact on your results?

Having a coach like Danny who pushed me outside of my comfort zone and kept me accountable. Not only in the gym but outside of the gym too!


What advice would you give someone looking to get started on their own challenge?

Make sure you put 100% into the challenge. This was my third attempt, I gave it everything I could and I am proud of how much improvement I made when being committed to a plan. If I can do it, you can too!

Runner Up 1 – Zoe W.

Starting Weight | 67kgs
Finishing Weight | 63.2kgs


Why did you decide to join the challenge?
For fun, and to prove to myself i could stick to a routine

What made the biggest impact on your results?
Mindful eating habits and introducing more cardio into my routine

What advice would you give someone looking to get started on their own challenge?
Just go for it! There’s nothing to loose 🙂

Runner Up 2 – Tom D.

Starting Weight | 107kgs
Finishing Weight | 96kgs


Why did you decide to join the challenge?
Michel Forced me.

What made the biggest impact on your results?
Intimidation of Michel on me

What advice would you give someone looking to get started on their own challenge?
Give it a red hot crack

Runner Up 3 – Sinead G.

Starting Weight | 68kgs
Finishing Weight | 67kgs


Why did you decide to join the challenge?

My PT motivated me!


What made the biggest impact on your results?
Being consistent in the gym, eating well and I stopped drinking alcohol


What advice would you give someone looking to get started on their own challenge?

Just do it! You never know, you might surprise yourself

Runner Up 4 – Lisa A.

Starting Weight | 68.7kgs
Finishing Weight | 65.2kgs

Why did you decide to join the challenge?

I wanted some extra motivation before the summer season starts. Setting goals always helps me stay a little more on track and focused.

What made the biggest impact on your results?

I think consistency is key!

What advice would you give someone looking to get started on their own challenge?

It’s great to set yourself small achievable goals so that it’s not an overwhelming from the get go. Increasing your works outs each week, pushing yourself to beat your own PBs, set yourself up with good food at home so you don’t snack on junk, it all helps!

Runner Up 5 – Anthony B.

Starting Weight | 84.6kgs
Finishing Weight | 79.3kgs

Why did you decide to join the challenge?
To see what could be achieved if pushed

What made the biggest impact on your results?
Improved diet, trained regularly and increased cardio work

What advice would you give someone looking to get started on their own challenge?
Give it a go, you would be amazed at what you can achieve if you put your mind to it



Our 6 Week Shape Up Challenge is perfect for anyone looking to make a real change because it combines Training, Nutrition and Accountability. 



6 Week Shape Up Challenge Winners December 2024

6 Week Shape Up Challenge Winners | June ’23

A huge congratulations to everyone that managed to make it through the 6 Week Shape Up Challenge. Without further a due, below are the challenge winners!


Challenge Details

Start Date | May 2023

Length | 6 Weeks

1st Place – Ben M.

Starting Weight | 91kgs
Finishing Weight | 80.5kgs


Why did you decide to join the challenge?

I joined the challenge to push myself to the next level and as I am going off to Europe soon, it fit in perfectly with my cut.

What made the biggest impact on your results?

Eating low cal/high protein meals and smashing the tready for 45+ mins a day

What advice would you give someone looking to get started on their own challenge?

It might be hard to get into the rhythm at the start but once you persist for 5-10 days it becomes an easy habit 🤘

Runner Up 1 – Dylan B.

Starting Weight | 75.2kgs
Finishing Weight | 78.1kgs


Why did you decide to join the challenge?

Coming back from surgery, I wanted that extra push to feel healthy again and put on a bit of muscle.

What made the biggest impact on your results?

A new program, getting to the gym 4-5 times a week and focusing on eating good food.


What advice would you give someone looking to get started on their own challenge?

Motivation comes and goes so make sure you have the discipline and schedule to get to the gym most days.

Runner Up 2 – Chelsea H.

Starting Weight | 68kgs
Finishing Weight | 63.6kgs


Why did you decide to join the challenge?

I decided to join the challenge because my trainer (Katrina) was super encouraging and motivated me to push myself and see what I was capable of.

What made the biggest impact on your results?

I believe the motivation and set goal timeline my trainer created for me made the biggest impact on my results and it assisted me in staying consistent and disciplined through the 6 weeks.


What advice would you give someone looking to get started on their own challenge?

I’d say focus as much on staying consistent with your nutrition as with your gym program and the results will come.

Runner Up 3 – Chloe W.

Starting Weight | 77kgs
Finishing Weight | 74kgs


Why did you decide to join the challenge?

I joined the challenge as a bit of extra motivation for myself.


What made the biggest impact on your results?
Nutrition made a huge impact on my results! Tracking what I ate and making sure I hit my protein goals was huge. Also massive shoutout to Kat for pushing me and answering the bazillion questions I had about exercises.
What advice would you give someone looking to get started on their own challenge?
I would say if you think you need an extra push this is it! Having a PT to help and guide makes a big different as well

Runner Up 4 – Chris C.

Starting Weight | 85kgs
Finishing Weight | 80.9kgs

Why did you decide to join the challenge?

I wanted to see what I could achieve if I dedicated myself for the short 6 week time.

What made the biggest impact on your results?

I was surprised how important it was and how easy it was after a couple weeks to stick to a diet.

What advice would you give someone looking to get started on their own challenge?

Find a PT, or even a friend to hold yourself accountable, then send topless pics so there’s no going back and stick to it!

Runner Up 5 – Daniel G.

Starting Weight | 80kgs
Finishing Weight | 78kgs 

Why did you decide to join the challenge?

I wanted to challenge myself in a way I haven’t approached my fitness, by changing my body composition while maintaining weight rather than training along with a calorie deficit to lose weight.

 What made the biggest impact on your results?

Having a trainer with me once a week really helped me focus on form to get the most out of my lifting.

 What advice would you give someone looking to get started on their own challenge?

Get a trainer. Even if it is for 30mins a week, the advice and guidance you’re given regarding form and training programs is an extremely valuable tool. 



Our 6 Week Shape Up Challenge is perfect for anyone looking to make a real change because it combines Training, Nutrition and Accountability. 



6 Week Shape Up Challenge Winners December 2024

6 Week Shape Up Challenge Winners | March ’23

A huge congratulations to everyone that managed to make it through the 6 Week Shape Up Challenge. Without further a due, below are the challenge winners!


Challenge Details

Start Date | January 2023

Length | 6 Weeks

1st Place – Luke P.

Starting Weight | 84kgs
Finishing Weight | 77.5kgs


Why did you decide to join the challenge?

I needed a push to loose those extra covid kgs from the last 3 years.

What made the biggest impact on your results?

The biggest impact for sure was the tailored training sessions, Conor was fantastic and I’m now using machines in the gym, I had no idea what they were when I started on my own.


What advice would you give someone looking to get started on their own challenge?

Set achievable daily goals, little daily wins will get you to where you want to be.




Runner Up 1 – Eric H.

Starting Weight | 65.4kgs
Finishing Weight | 68.1kgs



Why did you decide to join the challenge?

I wanted to see if I committed to something, would I start seeing results that I haven’t been able to see by myself

What made the biggest impact on your results?

Having a coach like Danny who pushed me outside of my comfort zone and kept me accountable. Not only in the gym but outside of the gym too!


What advice would you give someone looking to get started on their own challenge?

Make sure you put 100% into the challenge. This was my second attempt, I gave it everything I could and I am proud of how much improvement I made when being committed to a plan. If I can do it, you can too!

Runner Up 2 – Melissa B.

Starting Weight | 53kgs
Finishing Weight | 50.5kgs



Why did you decide to join the challenge?

I decided to join the challenge because I wanted to challenge (pun intended) myself and push my body to new limits.  I wanted to see how far I could transform in 6 weeks.

What made the biggest impact on your results?

Having a trainer beside me and being able to push me past my limits has been a key factor in taking me to new heights.  As well as new training techniques that I am able to take with for when I’m training alone.

What advice would you give someone looking to get started on their own challenge?

I’d definitely invest in a personal trainer.  Patrick has helped me get a better understanding of how to move my body and put me on the right track to achieve my goals.  Even if you have a trainer for a short period it really does help you get focused and motivate you to hold yourself accountable.

Runner Up 3 – Harpo B.

Starting Weight | 70kgs
Finishing Weight | 70kgs



Why did you decide to join the challenge?

I decided to join the challenge for that extra little bit of motivation to help remind me to eat well and push myself that little bit harder in the gym!

What made the biggest impact on your results?

I think that trying to eat well consistently and setting a more rigid schedule for when I come to the gym were the two biggest factors for my results.

What advice would you give someone looking to get started on their own challenge?

Just get started! There’s no risk, and everyone at Duke’s is supportive and will be happy to help you along your challenge.


Runner Up 4 – Jess C.

Starting Weight | 76kgs
Finishing Weight | 74.5kgs



Why did you decide to join the challenge?

It’s a good push start in the direction I need to go on and helps me set habits


What made the biggest impact on your results?

Consistency, steps, good food


What advice would you give someone looking to get started on their own challenge?

Eat good whole foods, allow yourself treats, and do the steps

Runner Up 5 – Riya L.

Starting Weight | 57kgs
Finishing Weight | 55kgs



Why did you decide to join the challenge?

To prepare and get into shape for my wedding in April. I wanted to feel like the best version of myself going into my big day.


What made the biggest impact on your results?

Staying consistent within the gym and working with a trainer who pushed me.



What advice would you give someone looking to get started on their own challenge?

Take the jump and just get started. You will never regret pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and working towards being the bets version of yourself

Special Mention – Connor

Connor (also known as Speedy) is one of our amazing trainers and helped coach Luke to victory! 


What advice would you give someone looking to make a change to their physique?

Jump in with either a coach or training partner. Having someone else there to rely on and not let down is the biggest help. Even I have a coach, believe it or not!

In your experience, what’s the biggest hurdle people need to overcome? 

Taking that first step to build routine. Specifically, setting aside time to get into the gym, or begin their fitness career. Once a routine is set, it’ll come naturally!


If you’d like to speak to Connor or any one of the team about how we can help you take your results to the next level shoot us an email at richmond@dukesgym.com.au



Our 6 Week Shape Up Challenge is perfect for anyone looking to make a real change because it combines Training, Nutrition and Accountability. 



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